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Float deployment

SOED deployed 2 ARVOR_D floats in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean

Editor :China Argo Real-time Data Center    Time :2020-11-02 14:27:24    Visit :
During 5-8 August 2020, SOED deployed 2 deep ARVOR floats in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean through the R/V “Da Yang Hao”, which is the third batch of deep floats China deployed. This deployment aims to take part in the deep Argo pilot project and evaluate the performance of deep Argo CTD sensor.

WMO number Float serial number Launch date Launch latitude Launch longitude
2902739 AD1700-17CH003 8 Aug. 2020 13.03N 129.02E
2902740 AD1700-17CH004 5 Aug. 2020 13.00N 134.50E

Dr. Chenghao Yang (left) was deploying a deep ARVOR float