Deployment Cruise-7
China Argo floats deployment cruises :
According to the agreement between the National Marine Environment Forecast Center (NMEFC) and the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO), SOA, the deployment and data receiving and processing of 10 Argo floats of NMEFC will be undertaken by SIO. The floats got on board of R/V DaYang 1 and have been deployed along 21N, between 125E and 160E at ten observation stations between May 24 and June 12, 2008 in Northwest Pacific Ocean. The floats are taking profiles of 0 – 2000m every 10 days. In situ shipborne CTD measurements of temperature, salinity, flow speed and direction and water samples at 30 levels from 0 to 2000m were also taken to be compared with the data from the floats. The in situ data and water samples will be examined in the laboratory after the vessel get back to the home port in January 2009. During this period, we also deployed another Argo float supported by China IOC (WMO2901154).
All the floats are APEX floats made by Webb, US.
For more details about these floats, please see the following table:
WMO | Date |
Longitude (°E) |
Latitude (°N) |
2901154 |
2008-05-24 |
122.01 |
21.31 |
2901155 |
2008-05-24 |
124.85 |
21.33 |
2901156 |
2008-05-25 |
127.24 |
21.38 |
2901157 |
2008-05-26 |
130.59 |
21.43 |
2901158 |
2008-05-26 |
132.52 |
21.43 |
2901159 |
2008-05-27 |
136.53 |
21.49 |
2901160 |
2008-05-28 |
141.75 |
21.51 |
2901161 |
2008-05-29 |
146.54 |
21.14 |
2901162 |
2008-05-29 |
150.32 |
20.73 |
2901163 |
2008-06-03 |
159.03 |
20.48 |
2901164 |
2008-06-12 |
156.06 |
16.96 |
Click here for more information about these floats.
Deploy Position of the Floats
R/V DaYang #1